9:30 am & 11:00 am
6:30 pm
For more information about our Community Groups please email Pastor Landon Keziah at lkeziah@leeparkchurch.org

List of Classes
Sunday Morning
9:30 a.m.
BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE: We are a multi-generational discipleship class. We meet in the Lee Park Choir Room behind the stage in the Worship building. We study LifeWay Christian Resources Curriculum / Bible Studies for Life. You will receive a book when you visit. Also, the weekly lessons are posted under files on our Facebook page. This class is open to every age group.
Teachers: Jarrod & Amber McCraw, Tony Hyatt & Russell McWhorter
Location: Choir room
CHRISTIAN CRUSADERS: We are a class for adults with special needs. The class offers Bible study, fellowship, and ministry opportunities. We learn what the word of God says and find ways to apply it to our everyday lives.
Teachers: Ivy Morgan & Sue Traynham
Location: DC 2
FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH: We are a multi-generational co-ed class that exists to equip believers to understand and share their faith. We explore the Bible in depth, strengthen a Biblical worldview, and prepare members to have gospel conversations and defend their faith. We open the class to all ages and stages, because we believe strengthening our relationship with God will strengthen all relationships and areas of our lives, no matter what the age or stage of life!
Teachers: Lisa Nance & Jeff Edwards
Location: The Merge, room 107
FRIENDS IN FAITH: We are a class seeking to help each other glorify God by maturing in our Christian walk. We do this by teaching and discussing the Bible using a book by book study of Scripture, framing every passage in its appropriate biblical and cultural context. Our study follows Lifeway’s Explore the Bible series.
Teachers: Scott Ward & Tim Richards
Location: The Merge, room 102
HEAVEN BOUND!: We are a class that uses the Lifeway literature to explore the Bible. Our three teachers rotate on a monthly basis. Our class consists of ages from 60’s thru 80’s men and women who love the Bible and the study of His Word. We utilize our class calling post to keep in contact regarding sickness as well as activities of the church. We would love to have any and all who would like to attend.
Teachers: Shirley Griffin, David Surratt, & Billy Plyler
Location: Morgan Mill Chapel
KINGDOM BUILDERS: We are a diverse group of adults of all ages who love studying God's Word together. Each week we'll take an in-depth look at a specific passage of scripture to understand its meaning, context, and application to today's world. Questions and discussion are always welcome. In months with a fifth Sunday, we take that time to just share a breakfast together and fellowship.
Teacher: Chris Adams
Location: Jr. Ark 201
KINGDOM MARRIAGE: We are a class for married couples with the desire to live out a biblical marriage in today’s world. We use the Bible to guide and direct us in our relationships with the Lord and each other. Class consists of all ages and stages of life.
Teachers: Justin & Sally McAteer
Location: DC 1
LEE PARK SISTERS: We are a group of women from all ages who love God and the study of His Word. Right now we are moving through the Gospel Project, a curriculum that covers the whole Bible over the course of three years. This curriculum is amazing in its depth and powerful explanations of Scripture that leads the class to make practical applications of the great truths of God’s Word to our daily lives. All are welcome!
Teacher: Nora Brooks
Location: Merge 104
LP YOUNG Professionals (YoPro): We are made up of Young Professionals who range from out of college to age 35. Whether you are single or married, you have kids or you don’t have kids; you are looking for a group of friends to hang out with. This group is for you. We have an in-depth study of several areas of Scripture, and seek to see how these references apply to our lives and walk with the Lord. Note: Also in addition to Sunday, YoPro meets once a month, we hold a big event that ranges from Pickleball Tournaments to a Movie Night!
Leaders: Caroline Justice & Pastor Jake Justice
Location: Mission House
TAKING MARRIAGE BACK IN TIME: We are a class with a goal to strengthen and encourage marriages, by going back in time to what started it all and providing reminders of how Christ wants the marriage relationship to thrive. We seek to find Biblical principles for our lives both as individuals and as a couple.
Teacher: Tim Gentry
Location: FLC 300
11:00 a.m.
BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE: We are a class that seeks to deepen our union with Jesus while we grow in our relationship with Him and with each other. Many of our members have children who are grown and are enjoying time with our grandchildren.
Teacher: Gary Morland and Mike McLamb
Location: Merge 106
EXPLORE THE BIBLE: (Starting January 12) We are a multigenerational class that takes a look at the Bible in a verse by verse fashion. It is our desire to apply our weekly studies to everyday life with an emphasis on a biblical worldview and answer life’s questions from the Bible.
Teacher: Landon Keziah and TBA
Location: Merge 102
LP COLLEGE: We strive to equip and engage college age-students to grow through the process of discipleship and to come alongside others to cultivate Christlikeness. We share, trust, and love Jesus Christ through teaching the Gospel and serving others. Note: Our LP College Ministry holds a weekly gathering that is at our Mission House, on Thursday nights from 7-8:30pm for a night of fellowship, worship, and study through the Word of God!
Teacher: Jay & Laura Stikeleather
Location: FLC 304
SENIOR ADULTS: We are a Senior Adult class that leverages Lifeway’s Explore the Bible materials to learn more about God’s word, leveraging our own personal background and experiences to apply God’s word to our daily lives. We encourage discussion in a small group setting and build relationships each week through study and friendship as brothers and sisters in Christ.”
Teacher: Gary Stickley and Rosemary Patton
Location: Morgan Mill Chapel
YOUNG MARRIED: We are a class that seeks to strengthen individual walks with Christ with a specific focus on how that impacts marriage and parenting through the filter of a biblical worldview.
Teacher: Matt Cuthbertson
Location: FLC 301

List of Classes
Wednesday Nights
6:30 p.m.
Teacher: Nora Brooks
Location: Merge 102
Teachers: Landon Keziah and John Menzel
Location: Merge 107
Starts @ 7:00pm
Teacher: Justin McAteer
Location: FLC 300
Teacher: Lisa Nance
Location: Merge 105
Teachers: Becky and Caroline Justice
Location: Jr Ark 201
Teachers: Taylor and Eden Darden
Location: Merge 106
Teacher: Linda Smith
Location: Merge 104
Starting: January 29th
Teachers: Mark & Joy Cimijotti
Location: DC 1
Starting: January 15th
Teacher: Sharon McWhirter
Location: DC 2